Bus Tour 2023
Happy Hour tickets still available!
Bus departs from Boscos, 2120 Madison Avenue
Event Details
JOIN US for the 7th Annual Bus Tour as we showcase life in Midtown Memphis! We’ll travel to 4 Midtown Memphis communities...You'll get a chance to see Madison Midtown, Highland Row, Link Apartments Broad Avenue, and At the Park. Following the tours, enjoy a refreshing drink at Boscos Restaurant & Brewing Company. This is a Members Only event.
**You must be pre-registered in order to attend. No walk-ins.**
Deadlines & Cancellation
The deadline to reserve a ticket is Friday, October 13.
This is a NO CANCELLATION EVENT however, if you purchase a bus tour ticket and discover you are unable to attend, please contact the AAGM office as we often have a waiting list for people wanting to get on the tour. If we have a replacement to take your seat, we will refund your ticket price.
Parking is available in a variety of lots around Overton Square. Parking is not included in the tour pricing.