Certified Pool Operator Course
Event Details
AAGM is excited to once again partner with HD Supply to provide the Certified Pool Operator Course. In recent years, an increasing number of municipalities across the nation have begun requiring formalized training and a qualified certification for operators and owners of public and semi-public pools. The most widely accepted program with national recognition is the National Swimming Pool Foundation’s (NSPF®) Certified Pool Operator (CPO®).
To become a Certified Pool Operator®, the student is required to achieve a minimum score of 75% on the CPO® exam. The exam is administered in an open-book format. During the test, the student can refer to his/her NSPF Pool-Spa Operator Handbook© as well as any notes taken, or handouts distributed during the class.
The Certified Pool Operator Course is a 2 day class, including the exam. Registration fee is $240 plus the cost of the book.
It is recommended that the student bring the following materials with them to the class:
* A calculator
* Paper and pencil or pen
* The Certified Pool - Spa Operator handbook
* Photo ID (required for the test)
* Highlighter (optional)