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RPM Careers Week 2022

Monday, July 18, 2022 to Friday, July 22, 2022

Event Details

This year, RPM Careers Week will take place July 18–22. This is an opportunity to highlight the amazing work of the residential property management industry, and give prospective job seekers a peek into what this type of career is all about. Help us spread the word! The week’s events will encourage team building, recognize individuals for their hard work and provide opportunities to win amazing prizes.

Here’s how you can take part in RPM Careers Week:

  • Promote the RPM Careers Week challenges. These challenges give RPM professionals the chance to win fabulous prizes by sharing photos from their experiences in RPM.
  • Show appreciation for all the work that onsite teams do to keep communities running smoothly by providing free food, giveaways and fun events on Apartment Onsite Teams Day, Wednesday, July 20.
  • Encourage your team members to post about RPM on their Facebook and Instagram pages throughout the week, using the hashtags #RPMmoments and #APTeamsDay.
  • Check out the RPM Careers Week spirit calendar and our celebrations flyer for ideas on how to engage your team and community during the week.


Learn about other ways to get involved at

RPM Careers Week Spirit Calendar

Take part in the challenges outlined below for the chance to win amazing prizes!  Enter to win here!

July 18:  Maintenance Monday:  Take a photo of your maintenance team or a maintenance MVP in action then submit it with a caption telling us why they are so valuable to your community.

July 19:  Thank a Teammate Tuesday:  Take a photo of your mentor or an awesome teammate and submit it with a caption describing the impact they've had on you.

July 20:  Apartment Onsite Teams Day:  Post photos and videos on facebook and instagram using the hashtag #APTeamsDay to show your appreciation for all the RPM professionals who work hard to make our communities thrive.

July 21:  Celebrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Thursday:  Take a photo of your team and submit it with a caption, completing one of the following prompts:

  • "Diverse voices and perspectives make my RPM community great because..."
  • "An equitable workplace is a happy workplace because..."
  • "We pledge to make our community more inclusive by..."

July 22:  Why I love my RPM Career Friday:  Take a photo of yourself at work or of your workplace and submit it with a two or three-line caption saying why you love your RPM career.