NAA Apartment Party

What is the “Apartment Party”?

Nope, this is not the party at the end of Apartmentalize. The Apartment Party represents a new political perspective for the rental housing industry, one that transcends individual party affiliation. Regardless of your personal political views, as someone who works in the rental housing industry, it is essential that our industry, speak loudly and with a unified voice. Members of the “Apartment Party” support elected officials who support the industry, whether by cosponsoring favorable housing legislation or consistently meeting with NAA members and local affiliates to discuss our priority issues. 

How you can make a difference:

  • Register to vote – By using the NAA Votes voter registration campaign you can register to vote online in just a few minutes.
  • Know where to vote  Visit the NAA Votes polling location campaign to learn more about your voting location, voting times, and to check your voter registration status.
  • Plan ahead – If you won’t be able to vote in-person, vote early! Visit to view a state-by-state list which breaks down early voting rules and regulations for each state. It is important to know your states laws when it comes to early voting to ensure you do not miss the cutoff date.
  • Vote by mail options – Certain states hold their elections partially or entirely by mail (CA, CO, HI, NV, OR, UT, VT, WA) and it is important to know when you should be receiving your mail-in ballot, and when the cut off dates for vote submissions are.

Voting is an integral part of our democracy, and it is important that our industry has its voice heard. Over the past few years, the rental housing industry has dealt with significant challenges Yet there have been lawmakers who have supported our priority legislation, and have worked with NAA, our affiliates, and our members to find solutions to complex housing issues. Please be sure to vote this coming November and support candidates and officials who have supported our industry and will continue to do so into the 118th Congress.

Do your part and make your voice heard this November!