NAA this Month...November
Following are the top NAA highlights for November:
Corporate Social Responsibility Survey
NAA is conducting its annual survey regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR). As a rental housing industry stakeholder, we invite you to take five minutes to share the initiatives taken by your company to impact the environment and social wellbeing of others. The theme of this brief survey is charitable giving, volunteer programs, and company community service policies.
The purpose of this survey is to display the good the rental housing industry does and develop talking points for our members to use in their discussions with legislators. Survey responses will be kept confidential and NAA will only use data in the aggregate. The survey will close on November 19, 2021. Survey participants will have the option to enter a drawing for one FREE registration to 2022 Apartmentalize! If you have any questions, please contact Leah Cuffy.
Register for Apartmentalize in San Diego!
Get your sunglasses ready for the brilliance and sunshine of Apartmentalize as we return to San Diego in June. From leasing to leadership, you’ll find insight to help you succeed in every facet of the rental housing business. Enjoy networking and idea-sharing, eye-opening education sessions and exhibits—opportunities that shed new light on your business. Register today and take advantage of our early rate savings for the industry’s largest event, see you in San Diego.
2021 Income & Expenses Survey – Now Available!
Now more than ever, it is important to make the best budgeting and forecasting decisions for next year. NAA released its 2021 Income & Expenses Survey, covering 2020 financials including:
- Current trends that may impact your properties including a look at COVID-19’s impact on the industry
- Updated figures your staff needs to prepare for budgeting and forecasting
- Data for market-rate and subsidized properties for detailed income and expenses line items
- Detailed local market operations data (for 67 single markets) and national economic analysis
- National data by age, size and type of property that will help you compare your portfolio performance against your peers
2022 Leadership Opportunities
NAA offers training opportunities for emerging leaders who are interested in giving back to their profession and invested in their career growth. NAA’s Diversity Leadership Program (DLP) provides up to 15 individuals with a 100% virtual leadership development opportunity, which incorporates training, personalized assessments and mentoring tailored specifically to underrepresented groups in rental housing.
NAA’s Leadership Lyceum provides up to 34 individuals with an opportunity to develop as a volunteer leader. Active NAA members and volunteers with NAA Affiliates at the state, local or national level will experience an immersive and collaborative, in-person, year-long program, bringing together professionals from various organizations across the country to build knowledge and share experiences with each other. Competitive fellowship seats are available for members who meet Leadership Lyceum program and fellowship criteria.
Application deadline is Friday, December 3.